INDICES Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Index: Hardware and Software & IT Services Table 1. Sustainability Disclosure Topics & Accounting Metrics Topic Accounting Metric Code Disclosure/Location Product Security Description of approach to identifying and TC-HW- Data Security addressing data security risks in products 230a. 1 Employee Diversity Percentage of gender and racial/ethnic TC-HW- & Inclusion group representation for (1) management, (2) 330a. 1 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion technical staff, and (3) all other employees Percentage of products by revenue that TC-HW- Pure Storage is currently evaluating product life cycles of some of our portfolio. In contain IEC 62474 declarable substances 410a. 1 the future, we plan to further disclose information about our life cycle management. Percentage of eligible products, by revenue, TC-HW- Pure Storage is currently evaluating product life cycles of some of our portfolio. In Product Life Cycle meeting the requirements for EPEAT 410a. 2 the future, we plan to further disclose information about our life cycle management. Management Percentage of eligible products, by revenue, TC-HW- Pure Storage is currently evaluating product life cycles of some of our portfolio. In meeting ENERGY STAR® criteria 410a. 3 the future, we plan to further disclose information about our life cycle management. Weight of end-of-life products and e-waste TC-HW- Pure Storage is currently evaluating product life cycles of some of our portfolio. In recovered, percentage recycled 410a. 4 the future, we plan to further disclose information about our life cycle management. Percentage of Tier 1 supplier facilities audited in the RBA Validated Audit Process TC-HW- Pure Storage does not track number of suppliers validated in the RBA Validated (VAP) or equivalent, by (a) all facilities and 430a. 1 Audit Process. (b) high-risk facilities Supply Chain Management Tier 1 suppliers’ (1) non-conformance rate with the RBA Validated Audit Process (VAP) TC-HW- Pure Storage does not track number of suppliers validated in the RBA Validated or equivalent, and (2) associated corrective 430a. 2 Audit Process. action rate for (a) priority non-conformances and (b) other non-conformances Materials Sourcing Description of the management of risks TC-HW- Sustainable Supply Chain associated with the use of critical materials 440a. 1