Why Storage Admins Frustrate Us Let’s face it, DBAs and Storage Admins don’t always see eye-to-eye. You’ve just come out of the hundredth meeting with your Application Owner and Business Analyst to justify your architecture recommendations and finally you’re on the same page. The last thing you need is to convince some hardware geek down the hall why you need RAID-10, replication, or a 100GB cache for your LUNs. After your meeting, he’ll probably just disappear for 2 weeks only to return with some totally different, complicated LUN scheme that costs too much! It’s that kind of frustration that drove Larry Ellison to build ASM, right? vs Most DBAs have a common set of frustrations when dealing with their Storage Admins: • Why is provisioning LUNs so slow? • Why is the storage design so complicated? • Why does the storage architecture ultimately fail to provide the consistent performance and availability that it promises? To get answers and to solve this problem, you need to get into your Storage Admin’s head. You need to understand the rationale behind why they approach database storage requests the way they do. Finally you need to understand that there is a better way.