Driving Ethical Conduct and Practices As part of new employee onboarding, and in January of each calendar year, all Pure employees acknowledge receipt of and agree to abide by the following: • Code of Conduct • Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy • Zero Tolerance for Workplace Harassment Policy • Insider Trading Policy • Information Security Policy • Import/Export Statement In addition to Pure’s Code of Conduct and policies mentioned above, Pure also has a Statement Against Slavery and Human Trafficking and a Policy on Conflict Minerals. As part of Pure’s focus on ethical behavior and business practices, all employees complete annual mandatory training on the Code of Conduct, anti-discrimination and harassment, and privacy. Pure also requires annual supplemental business integrity and anti-bribery and anti-corruption training for the Sales and Finance teams. In 2020 and 2021, Pure did not have any confirmed incidents of bribery or corruption. Pure’s partners are expected to follow a similar Code of Conduct, which provides business expectations and guidance to our channel and reseller partners, including a mandate that they follow the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct. The Partner Code of Conduct is available in several languages. Pure also expects its manufacturing suppliers to follow the Responsible Business Alliance framework as a way to improve social, environmental, and ethical standards through global supply chains. For more detail, see the Sustainable Supply Chain section of this report. In 2022, we will issue a Purchasing Code of Conduct for all of our non-manufacturing suppliers.