Our 800+ people managers are the guardians of our talent pools and invest a At Pure, nearly 100% of our employees conduct periodic self-evaluations substantial amount of time together ensuring their teams are being set up for of the individual goals they are pursuing, their main strengths, their career differentiated growth opportunities. We are transparent with our employees in aspirations, and an area of focus for their development. Once a year, Pure terms of how their impact is perceived, and we strongly reward top performance. managers at all levels come together to compare the impact that each individual employee contributes to our business. Appropriate rewards, goals, objectives Our Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) leads our human capital and development plans are created for each employee. Our leaders also put initiatives, which includes the design and execution of all people and forward their top three goals and priorities for the coming period. We ensure that organizational strategy components. The CHRO delivers quarterly human our teams have clarity on how their priorities contribute to Pure’s overall vision capital reports to the Board of Directors and Compensation and Talent and strategy. Leaders also identify the interdependencies with other business Committee. In 2022 and beyond, given our ambitious geographic expansion units and functions in order to strengthen cross-functional collaboration. plans, we will continue investing and focusing on recruiting and hiring and will fully leverage our integrated talent management ecosystem. In 2022, Pure will continue to focus on career and individual development planning and embed regular career and development discussions through Our talent management approach leverages three main pillars: quarterly performance and development check-ins. Finally, through our development strategy, Pure will systemize internal job rotations, offer early career programs for tech employees, and launch the Pure Storage 1 Holistic Performance Management Leadership Academy to upskill our leaders and employees for the demands of hybrid work and digital transformation of our solutions. In 2022, Pure will invest more in people development than in any previous year. Succession and Career Planning To attract top talent, we provide competitive compensation and innovative 2 and Internal Mobility benefit offerings. We benchmark our programs with the market to ensure we are providing competitive salaries, variable pay and equity awards. We offer a comprehensive and tailored set of health and welfare benefits to employees and their families, including health and wellness programs. Equally important, we ensure our talent acquisition team and hiring managers are authentic, transparent, 3 Upskilling the Workforce for the Future and empathetic with applicants. We value our extremely high Net Promoter Score and similarly strive to offer our candidates an exceptional experience.

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