Empowering our nonprofit partners to build a better world. Pure impacts our local and global community through • Environment: As part of Pure’s overall to the COVID-19 pandemic, employees added a new the Pure Good Foundation, a grassroots initiative commitment to environmental excellence, component to the Global Week of Service by sharing launched in 2015, shortly before the company went Pure Good helps invest in non-profits their favorite non-profit organizations with each public. Pure Good’s mission is to empower our working in the environmental space. other via internal communication channels. Through employees and non-profit partners to build a better − In 2021, Pure Good launched an pictures and stories, our employees added even more world. As part of our “Go Do Good” mantra, Pure Good RFP to accelerate the solutions to personality to this event. We have been excited to focuses efforts on: climate change by funding $750,000 make pictures and story sharing a permanent part of to environmental non-profits. our Global Week of Service moving forward. • Pure Philanthropy: Pure employees can get involved through our Global Interest • Workforce Development: Pure Good Grant Program, our Community Volunteer works with Pure employees to help support Pure Good in Numbers (2021) Program, and our Board Member Program. workforce development organizations − For individual employees, the Community through mentoring, professional HOURS Volunteer program allows employees to development, and internship programs. 28,536 request up to $500 donation for the non- − In 2021, Pure Good developed a Workforce Volunteered which profit of their choosing after volunteering Development Grant Program with the goal to has a value of $814,417 at least 10 hours per quarter. employ 500 people from under-represented − Individual employees who sit on the groups or non-traditional backgrounds into $1.61M board of a qualified non-profit can living-wage-paying tech careers. This initiative receive $2,000 per year to the non-profit was a resounding success and helped employ Donated to charities across the globe through the Board Member Program. over 4,000 people with a $1 million investment. − For teams of employees, the Global The Pure Good Foundation also hosts a Global Week Interest Grant Program allows employees of Service every year. During this week, Pure’s Silicon 228 to volunteer together at a non-profit Valley headquarters offers volunteer opportunities E-cycled laptops donated to global then request up to $5,000 to amplify every day and all international offices have at least non-profit organizations which equals the support they gave in person. one volunteer opportunity for employees in which to 798 lbs of e-waste kept out of landfills participate. In 2020 when our offices were closed due

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