2021 Workforce Representation1 Currently, Pure’s board diversity has 30% female representation. Our vice president and above leadership is composed of 13% self-identified female staff and 5% from under-represented groups. Pure will continue to work on improving representation in these groups. 1 We define senior leadership as director level or above, in line with industry definitions. When we report on senior leadership trends in this report, we’re comparing director level and above, year-over-year. Manager is defined as employees who have at least one full-time direct report. URGs in the U.S. technology industry are defined as Black, Hispanic or Latinx, Native American, and multiracial people. Race/ethnicity data refers to the EEO-1 race/ethnicity categories established by the U.S. government. 2 Ethnic Diversity, Age Group, and Gender Diversity All percentages rounded to the nearest tenth

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