Corporate Governance Pure’s Board Committees Pure’s Board of Directors understands the importance of sound Audit and Risk Committee governance. All of Pure’s standards and policies contribute to an ethical Oversees Pure’s corporate accounting and financial reporting and inclusive business and workplace. Our Board of Directors is currently processes, monitors for enterprise risks, and provides composed of 10 directors, including Chairman and CEO, Charles Giancarlo. oversight of Pure’s environmental sustainability efforts. The Board oversees the management of the company’s business and serves as a prudent fiduciary for the shareholders. The Board contains three Compensation and Talent Committee committees that meet at least quarterly to receive and discuss updates on topics within each committee’s purview. Reviews and determines compensation to be paid to Pure’s executive officers and directors, and provides oversight Our Corporate Governance Guidelines guide our Board’s activities and provide of Pure’s Human Capital Management, DEI, and talent the structure within which our directors and management can effectively acquisition, development, and retention efforts. pursue Pure’s business objectives. The Board also receives annual updates on ESG initiatives and information on the impact of the Pure Good Foundation. Nominating and For more information about our governance policies and practices, Corporate Governance Committee please visit our Corporate Governance webpage. Recommends corporate governance practices, periodically reviews and assesses our Corporate Governance Guidelines, and identifies and recommends candidates to serve as directors at Pure.

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